Maid to Clean

Super Bowl Parties!

Are you planning a Super Bowl party? They’re so much fun – the people, the excitement, the accidentally tossed bags and bowls of chips and popcorn and pretzels …. that…

Is There Such a Thing as a Fast and Effective Green Oven Cleaner?

Is There Such a Thing as a Fast, Effective Green Oven Cleaner? Is there a product that will clean baked-on grease without a label that reads: Danger. Corrosive. Causes eye and skin burns? We undertook the mission to find out. See the surprising results of our test drive on six eco-friendly products.

10 Dirtiest Hotels in the United States

At Maid to Clean® we’re always interested in dirt.  Mostly in how to get rid of it, but sometime we just like to share “the dirt” on dirt.  For armchair travelers…

Ecopreneurs in the New York Times

Younger generations have been at the green forefront for the last 30 years; and the Gen Ys who work in the offices of Green Spaces are blazing the trail.  In an…

The Gift of Clean for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day isn’t just for lovers.  I don’t know about you, but I always send my mother a card, and I send gifts to the romantically-unattached members of my posse…