Bike time! That’s how we declare spring at Maid to Clean.

We’re writing this post on the spring vernal equinox, aka, the first official day of spring. Yeah yeah yeah they’re talking about one more shot of possible snow. Whatever. This winter will eventually end, and then it will be time for one of the more fun things we do at Maid to Clean – we get on our bikes!

If you’re long-time client, you already know this, but if not, be prepared for the sight of your cleaning crew arriving on pedals, rather than in a car. We cannot wait.

We started doing this a few years ago for two big reasons:

The Green Factor

We take pride in being an environmentally friendly company. But it’s more than just what we use to clean your house. It’s how we live our lives, and the choices we make everyday. Obviously, a few of us using bikes isn’t going to close the ozone hole in the sky, but we can do our part, right? It’s a start.

Fresh Air!

People and houses are alike in one way – both benefit greatly from opening up the windows, getting fresh air, and changing up the routine. Our crews have spent the winter cooped up. It’s good to get out.

We can’t wait for more days like today – sunny, clear, crisp but not too cold. It’s a good day to get on a bike, and we arrive at your house so much happier and ready to clean!

Yup. That's how we feel. You?
Yup. That’s how we feel. You?